The series of mixed media paintings in Collection IV was created for the Exhibition Game* at the Leila Heller Gallery in New York in 2008. The title reflects the cultural norms and traditional practices of the Qatari population that I observed from living in Doha, Qatar for 4 years. *Game was created in collaboration with daughter Julia Mandle.
HIDDEN TREASURES - 2010 (16" H X 16" W)
TIC TAC TOE - 2011 (16" h x 16" w)
FOOT RACE - 2010 (20" h X 20" w) in private collection.
ORYX ROUNDABOUT - 2011 (20" h x 20" w)
ZERO VISIBILITY - 2010 (20" h x 20" w)
SEEK AND HIDE - 2011 (20" h x 20" w)
SOUVENIR - 2010 (20" h x 20" w)
PLAYING HOUSE - 2010 (20" h x 20"w)
SILVER LINING - 2010 (20" h x 20"w)
IT'S NOT ABOUT OIL - 2010 (20" h x 20"w)
BRAINWASH - 2010 (16" h x 16" w)
OCEAN VIEW - 2010 (16" h X 16" w) in private collection.
NOTHING UP THE SLEEVE - 2010 (16" h x 16" w) in private collection.
CLAN DESTINY - 2010 (16" h X 16" w)
OASIS - 2010 (12" h x 12" w)
THIS LITTLE PIGGY WENT TO MARKET - 2011 (12" h x 12" w)
BAIT AND SWITCH - 2010 (12" h x 12" w)
CAMELFLAGE - 2010 (12" h x 12" w) in private collection.
HYPERMARKET - 2011 (47" h x 47" w ) in private collection.
IN FLIGHT MOVIE - 2011 (47" h x 39" w) in private collection.
INSIDE / OUT - 2011 (47" x 47")